Loan Rates


Rates as low as: The following rates are the lowest available based on creditworthiness and other factors

Term: Model Year: New - 2023 Model Year: 2022 - 2020 Model Year: 2019 - 2015 Model Year: 2014 - 2010
36 months 4.69% APR* 4.99% APR* 5.49% APR* 7.69% APR*
48 months 4.99% APR* 5.49% APR* 6.79% APR* 8.49% APR*
60 months 5.49% APR* 5.59% APR* 7.79% APR* n/a
72 months 5.59% APR* 6.49% APR* n/a n/a
84 months 6.49% APR* n/a n/a n/a


(GAP)  Guaranteed Asset Protection - GAP Advantage covers the "gap" between the vehicle's value and the amount you still owe, including the insurance deductible. GAP Advantage also provides you with a $1,000 credit towards the financing of a replacement vehicle if you finance at the credit union. GAP is a one-time fee for cars, light trucks, motorcycles, and jet skis.

Rates as low as: The following rates are the lowest available based on creditworthiness and other factors

Loan Rate
ATV/JET SKI LOANS 2.00% APR* above car loan rates
FIRST MORTGAGE 5 Year - Please Call for Current Rate²
  10 Year - Please Call for Current Rate
  15 Year - Please Call for Current Rate
  20 Year - Please Call for Current Rate
  30 Year - Please Call for Current Rate
Variable Rate
Prime Rate + 0% APR* & No Fees¹
2nd Mortgage
Fixed Rate
Please Call for Current Rate
SHARE SECURED LOANS Please Call for Current Rate
No Annual Fee
10.75% APR*
PERSONAL LOANS - Up to $15,000
Rate based on Credit Performance
As low as 10.99% APR*
Rate based on Credit Performance
NEW - 2023
60 Months 6.99% APR*
84 Months 8.29% APR*
120 Months 8.69% APR*

48 Months 7.29% APR*
60 Months 7.69% APR*
84 Months 9.99% APR*
Rates as low as: The following rates are the lowest available based on creditworthiness and other factors. Closed- End Mortgage Rates effective 9/23/24 ¹PERCENTAGE OF FEES MUST BE REIMBURSED TO CREDIT UNION ON HOME EQUITY LOANS IF PAID IN FULL WITHIN FIRST FOUR YEARS . Minimum loan amount is $5,000.00 for HE. ²Maximum 65% of appraisal value from county website (less any outstand indebtedness). Minimum loan amount is $12,000. Maximum loan amount is $75,000. Sample monthly payment: $75,000 at 5.00% for 60 months would be $1,416. Property must be a single-family residence. Homeowners insurance is required. Consult a tax advisor regarding interest deductibility. NMLS# 684305. 
Rates effective 1/27/25 and are subject to change at any time. Car loan sample monthly payment $20,000 at 4.69%APR* for 36 months would be $597. Signature loan sample monthly payment for $15,000 at 10.99%APR* for 60 months would be $327.  All rates and promotions are subject to change without notice. Please call the credit union at 440-357-2560 for complete information.

Check out these websites for more information: